Connections Online Quiz League - Recording
- These instructions are based on a 1920x1080 screen at 100% scale in System > Display
- The browser used is Chrome, but functionality should be similar in most modern browsers.
- Get OBS -
- In Zoom settings, switch off "always show meeting controls".
- Make absolutely sure of the audio setup within OBS is correct. You want to be recording desktop audio with Mic/Aux muted. Run tests with someone else on the Zoom to make sure.
- Set up a scene for the OBS capture with source as Display Capture.
- Using the handlebars in the top middle and bottom middle while holding the Alt key and dragging, you can remove:
- Browser tabs from the top of the screen. For my setup this is 86 pixels.
- Start bar from the bottom of the screen. For my setup this is 87 pixels.
- There is a COQL stinger transition that can be used for switching scenes:
- Test things to make sure they look right.
- You may want to make a holding scene with the COQL graphic. There are also flag background options. Will can send files for these.
- Review a YouTube video of a match to see where the host and players get positioned for the regular rounds and grid. e.g.
Batch files
If you have a shortcut device e.g. a StreamDeck, you can create shortcuts to generate browser windows when recording. I do this by making batch files and associating a button with each. In practice I never use the R4 one, but have it in case I need a guide to the Zoom level.
R1,R2 - r1r2chrome.bat
"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --app="data:text/html,<html><head><title>URL</title></head><body><form method=\"post\" action=\"\"><input id=\"url\" type=\"text\" name=\"url\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"125\"></form><script>window.resizeTo(1920,750);window.moveTo(0,300);document.getElementById(\"url\").focus();</script></body></html>"
R3 - r3chrome.bat
"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --app="data:text/html,<html><head><title>URL</title></head><body><form method=\"post\" action=\"\"><input id=\"url\" type=\"text\" name=\"url\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"100\"></form><script>window.resizeTo(1500,1080);window.moveTo(500,0);document.getElementById(\"url\").focus();</script></body></html>"
R4 - r4chrome.bat
"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --app="data:text/html,<html><head><title>URL</title></head><body><form method=\"post\" action=\"\"><input id=\"url\" type=\"text\" name=\"url\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"150\"></form><script>window.resizeTo(1920,750);window.moveTo(0,300);document.getElementById(\"url\").focus();</script></body></html>"
During recording
- Confirm with the host which sides of the screen the teams are on, and use Gallery View in Zoom to move the host and players to appropriate positions (Host in the middle, captains in the middle of each team)
- Make sure your camera is off. It likely won't be possible for it to be on.
- When logged in to any room click the 'Logged in as' and 'Who is here' sections to remove them from the recording.
Round 1 & 2
- Position the players and host at the top of the screen and use 125% Zoom.
Round 3
- Position the players and host on the left of the screen and use 100% Zoom.
- Make sure the host knows to move you to the breakout room with them.
- The main time scramble is before each grid. Let the host know to confirm you are set up for recording when the grid begins. They will know you are in the room but won't necessarily know you are ready.
Round 4
- Position the players and host at the top of the screen and use 150% Zoom.
- If the host runs a buzzer test before R4 you can use this time to position the players on the screen. Normally that is enough, but again, you may need to confirm with the host that you are ready.