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{{Connections Page}}
=== What is the Connections Online Quiz League? ===
It's an online quiz where teams try to solve various questions about what connects a seemingly random set of clues.
== Playing matches ==
=== How does it work? ===
Al the games are played over Zoom and are hosted by one of our paid team of hosts.
Matches are hosted by dedicated hosts who are paid for their time. The hosts have been briefed on each question; they know which answers they can and cannot accept, and when they need to prompt teams to provide more information. Gameplay will run like the TV show Only Connect; we have tried to recreate the Only Connect experience as best we can and the major difference between the show and Connections Online Quiz League is that both teams will play the same grid.
=== Do I need a team? ===
This is a team game, every match is 3 v 3. As we provide the host you don't need a squad bigger than 3 players but some teams may choose to have reserve players.
== Gameplay & Scoring ==
=== I don't have any friends to start my own team, can I still get involved? ===
Of course. Go to the individual sign up tab and give us some information. We'll look to place you in a scratch team with link minded individuals.
# The gameplay will take place using a Zoom room and a separate gameplay website.
=== How good do I need to play? ===
# The host will organise the Zoom room and, when players enter the room to play a match, will provide them with the gameplay website address for players to visit.
There are some exceptionally good players in the league including players who have won series of Only Connect but there will be multiple divisions and you should be playing against teams of similar ability to you. So no matter how good you are you should still enjoy the thrill of playing in the Connections league.
# A coin toss will take place. The winning team will decide if they go first or second. The team going first will go first in Rounds 1 and 2 and will go second in Round 3.
# There are six questions in both Round 1 and Round 2, with each question hidden behind an emoji. Teams will take it in turns to pick an emoji to uncover a question.
== Round One ==
=== I've got my team together, what do I do next? ===
Fantastic, fill out the form in the register section. We'll try and arrange a friendly match for all teams prior to the season starting so you can see how it all works.
# In Round 1, called “What's the Link”, the teams have 60 seconds to correctly identify what connects four clues. Teams will get 5 points for answering correctly after seeing only 1 clue, 3 points for a correct answer after 2 clues, 2 points for a correct answer after 3 clues, and 1 point if all 4 clues are needed.
=== When are matches played? ===
# The team captain should indicate to the host when they wish to see a new clue by stating, “Next, please”. To avoid confusion, teams should ensure this instruction to the host is clearly distinct from general discussion amongst themselves.
The teams will liaise with each other to pick a convenient time each week. No games can be played on Mondays as we will use this time to explain the questions to the hosts and complete all admin for the upcoming week. You then complete the online form which shows the date you want to play and one of our hosts will agree to read for that match. They will then contact you with the Zoom details for your match.
# When a team wishes to offer an answer, one member of the team should press the buzzer and wait for the host to request the team’s answer. An answer should be given within a few seconds of buzzing, otherwise the host will deem this to be an incorrect answer. The host may, at his or her discretion, afford a team a little more time if it is apparent that team is close to an answer. If the host asks a team for an answer, that team must answer immediately, or the question will be passed over to the opposition.
# If an answer is deemed close to being correct, but not close enough, the host may ask a team to give further information or to reframe an answer. The host will then decide if the subsequent answer is acceptable.
# If a team does not buzz before the minute is up then the host will inform the team that they have been timed out.
# If a team offers an incorrect answer or runs out of time, the opposition will be invited to provide the link for a bonus point; all four clues will be revealed to the opposition when attempting an answer for a bonus point, regardless of how many clues had been revealed to the original team when their incorrect answer was given. The opposition will have 10 seconds to discuss their answer before the host will require an answer to be given. The host may allow more time, at his or her discretion, should a team be getting close to the answer, but when the host insists on an answer being given then a team must answer, or risk being timed out.
== Round Two ==
=== I'm a busy person, how long do matches last? ===
Most games should last around 45 minutes depending on how much chatting goes on. Sometimes games may take a little longer and friendly matches using old questions will be offered each week.
# In Round 2, called “What Follows”, teams have 60 seconds to correctly identify the fourth element in a sequence of clues. Teams will get 5 points for answering correctly after seeing only 1 clue, 3 points for a correct answer after 2 clues, and 2 points for a correct answer after 3 clues.
=== What if we can't agree on a time. ===
# Should a team find a valid sequence after two clues, even if this is the not answer intended by the setters, then the host may, at his or her discretion, accept this answer, so long as the team can show how there can be third and fourth elements to the sequence, which are neither trivial nor contrived. In all other respects, gameplay is identical to Round 1.
Teams have a full week to find a time that both teams can manage. In the highly unlikely event that teams cannot find an hour to fit the game in then they will contact the league for arbitration who will decide on a time to play. Any team not fulfilling a match will forfeit that game and lose a league point.
== Round Three ==
=== We only have a squad of 3 players, what do we do about a host? ===
COQL will provide a host for every game so you do not need to worry about this.
# In Round 3, called “Grid Unlock”, the teams will be separated by the creation of Zoom breakout rooms. The host will play Round 3 with each team consecutively.
=== Who are your hosts? ===
# Teams will be presented with a grid with 16 clues, arranged randomly, which they must solve within 3 minutes by correctly organising into four groups of four.
Our hosts are all experienced quizzers who understand the rules and format of the COQL. They are paid for their services and will have been briefed on every question asked each week and all alternative answers allowed.
# Teams should click (or press if using a touch screen) on four clues to select them as a group. Should this selection be correct, these four clues shall turn green and will appear together at the top of the grid, leaving only the unsolved clues below.  All three players can click on the grid, but we strongly suggest that only one player does so, to avoid confusion, as the software will recognise all clicks.
# Once two groups have been found, teams have only three attempts (‘lives’) to complete the solution of the grid; should the team use up all three lives, the grid will freeze.
# Once time has elapsed, or the grid has been frozen or solved, the host will resolve the grid (if necessary) and ask the teams to explain what links the four elements in each of the four groups.
# If for any reason, the grid does not freeze after time has run out, the host will ask players to stop all attempts at solving the grid. Teams must comply will this request immediately.
# Teams will score 1 point for each group they find during play, and 1 point for each correct explanation given; teams will receive 2 bonus points if they find all four groups and give four correct explanations.
# There should only ever be one possible (sensible) solution available on any grid and it is this solution that will be accepted by the software. Should you find a valid, sensible connection between all four clues in one group that is not the answer ‘on the card’, then your answer will be accepted. However, the host may reject an alternative answer if he or she considers it trivial or contrived.
# When asked by the hosts what connects each group, teams will need to answer almost immediately as teams should have had plenty of time to discuss these groups while the grid was live.
== Round Four ==
=== How big can our squad be? ===
This format works best if teams create a certain synergy and therefore we recommend keeping your squad as small as possible, however, there is no limit to the size of your squad.
# In Round Four, called “Only Consonants”, teams will compete against each other on the buzzer. There is no time limit for this round.
=== Can I add played to our squad after the season has started? ===
# Teams will be shown four groups of four clues in which the vowels have been removed. The challenge is for the teams to identify the word, name, or phrase from only its consonants within 10 seconds.
You may, just let us know and remember that players may only play for one team each season. There is no maximum squad size but we recommend keeping your squad as small as possible as this will help you create the best synergy.
# If neither team can answer within 10 seconds the host will call the clue dead and reveal the answer, before proceeding to reveal the next clue.
# Once a player from either team has buzzed, a member of that team must provide an answer immediately. A correct answer will be rewarded with 1 point, while an incorrect answer will see the team penalised 1 point.
# A team’s answer in this round must be perfect. If just one letter of an answer is incorrect, the team will lose a point and the question will be passed over to the opposition.
# In the event of an incorrect buzz, the opposition may answer immediately for 1 bonus point, but will not be penalised for an incorrect answer. The opposition does not need to buzz to answer a clue that has been passed over.
# Should a team buzz, there must be no hesitation of more than a maximum of 1 second before giving an answer, or this will be treated as an incorrect answer. Should one player start giving a correct answer, then a second player may complete that answer so long as there is no appreciable pause.
# A second player may not correct the first player; in these circumstances, the answer will be treated as incorrect. Any words spoken by the first player will be taken as an attempt at an answer; should the first player say ‘No, I don’t know’, for example, then this answer is incorrect regardless of whether a second player subsequently gives the correct answer.
# Teams may not confer during this round.
# Should you provide a perfectly valid answer to a clue, that fits both the consonants and the category, but which is not the answer provided by the setting team, then you will be awarded a point at the discretion of the host. Teams may lodge a protest immediately after the match has finished if they feel they have been unfairly denied a point for a valid answer.  The setting team will consider the protest and make a ruling.
# The host will not update the score during this round but will reveal the final score at the end of the match.
== Post-Match ==
=== Do I have to pay to play? ===
Yes, running the league requires a highly technical website to be built and maintained. Questions for this format are extremely difficult to write and our team of professional setters need paying for their time. Each game has a dedicated host who is paid for these duties plus this league will require numerous hours of man power to organise. The current fees are £165/$220 per team per season.
# At the end of Round Four, and therefore the match, the team with the most points are declared the winners and earn 4 league points. If the score is tied, both teams will receive 2 league points. A losing team receives 0 league points, unless they lose the match by 4 points or fewer, in which case they receive 1 ‘close-defeat’ league point.
=== What do I get for my £165/$220? ===
# Ties will not be broken except in knockout matches that require a team to advance. The tie-breaker will be a single “Only Consonants” question, which can be answered by only the respective team captains. An incorrect answer will automatically result in a victory for the opposing team.
Your team will play a full league season of a minimum of 11 matches and usually 12 or 13, each hosted by a professional host with expertly written questions. You also have the opportunity to play this unique format which is just not available anywhere else.
# Please do not discuss questions in public or with any team who has not yet played their match until all games in all conferences have been played for that week.
== Miscellaneous Information ==
=== How do I pay? ===
Once your team has registered you will be sent bank details to complete a transfer. If you are based outside the UK then payment is made via PayPal to the email address info@onlinequizleague.com
# Treat your opposition and your host with respect at all times.
=== Is this league open to anyone across the world? ===
# If you feel an answer has been unfairly adjudicated, you should explain to your host why you believe this to be the case. However, the host’s decision is final.
Yes, this league is run by a team based in the UK but we have both a UK and a US conference and teams can choose which to play in and the league is open to teams from literally anywhere in the world.
# If the host feels unable to make a final ruling for any reason, then a protest will be logged and both teams will be made aware of this fact. The game shall play out with the original ruling in place and, after the match, the host will raise the protest with the setting team, who will provide a final ruling; this may result in a score-line being altered post-match.
# If you feel there is an error with a question, which has resulted in your team being unfairly adjudicated, please let your host know immediately. Your host will attempt to resolve any issues in consultation with the setting team. # If no immediate resolution is possible then your host will note this as a protest and will follow the procedures laid out in 3).
# Teams should attempt to arrive a few minutes before the designated start time so that the game can begin in a timely fashion. Matches should last around 45 minutes, but in some cases can take up to an hour so please ensure you have enough time to complete your match.
# When your opponents are attempting to answer a question please remain quiet. They will accord you the same courtesy.
# During Rounds 1 & 2, players should keep their hands in view as much as is practicable (especially when it is the opposition’s question). Occasionally, a player will wish to move the mouse over a picture to enlarge it, which is entirely fine, but players should protect themselves from unnecessary accusations of skulduggery by making their hands visible to the QM wherever possible.
# We really hope you enjoy the league. We have put a lot of work into making this as fun as possible.
If you've any questions, please just ask!
=== What can I win? ===
In keeping with the tradition of the TV show on which this league is based, the winners of each division will receive a team trophy.
=== With it being played online, how do you know people aren't cheating? ===
Cheating is outlawed. All played will be visible on their webcam or phone throughout the quiz and anyone found to be trying to look up answers during the matches will forfeit their match and be permanently ejected from the league.
=== Are you in any way licenced or affiliated by the TV show Only Connect or the BBC? ===
No, we have spoken to the production team at Only Connect as well as the lawyers from the BBC who own the copyrights to the TV show Only Connect. They have given us their blessing to run this league provided we don't infringe on any copyrights which we are not doing. But we are not licenced or affiliated to the BBC in any way.
=== What do I do if I have any questions not covered by this section? ===
Send us an email at info@onlinequizleague.com and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Latest revision as of 13:37, 9 July 2023


What is the Connections Online Quiz League?

It's an online quiz where teams try to solve various questions about what connects a seemingly random set of clues.

How does it work?

Al the games are played over Zoom and are hosted by one of our paid team of hosts.

Do I need a team?

This is a team game, every match is 3 v 3. As we provide the host you don't need a squad bigger than 3 players but some teams may choose to have reserve players.

I don't have any friends to start my own team, can I still get involved?

Of course. Go to the individual sign up tab and give us some information. We'll look to place you in a scratch team with link minded individuals.

How good do I need to play?

There are some exceptionally good players in the league including players who have won series of Only Connect but there will be multiple divisions and you should be playing against teams of similar ability to you. So no matter how good you are you should still enjoy the thrill of playing in the Connections league.

I've got my team together, what do I do next?

Fantastic, fill out the form in the register section. We'll try and arrange a friendly match for all teams prior to the season starting so you can see how it all works.

When are matches played?

The teams will liaise with each other to pick a convenient time each week. No games can be played on Mondays as we will use this time to explain the questions to the hosts and complete all admin for the upcoming week. You then complete the online form which shows the date you want to play and one of our hosts will agree to read for that match. They will then contact you with the Zoom details for your match.

I'm a busy person, how long do matches last?

Most games should last around 45 minutes depending on how much chatting goes on. Sometimes games may take a little longer and friendly matches using old questions will be offered each week.

What if we can't agree on a time.

Teams have a full week to find a time that both teams can manage. In the highly unlikely event that teams cannot find an hour to fit the game in then they will contact the league for arbitration who will decide on a time to play. Any team not fulfilling a match will forfeit that game and lose a league point.

We only have a squad of 3 players, what do we do about a host?

COQL will provide a host for every game so you do not need to worry about this.

Who are your hosts?

Our hosts are all experienced quizzers who understand the rules and format of the COQL. They are paid for their services and will have been briefed on every question asked each week and all alternative answers allowed.

How big can our squad be?

This format works best if teams create a certain synergy and therefore we recommend keeping your squad as small as possible, however, there is no limit to the size of your squad.

Can I add played to our squad after the season has started?

You may, just let us know and remember that players may only play for one team each season. There is no maximum squad size but we recommend keeping your squad as small as possible as this will help you create the best synergy.

Do I have to pay to play?

Yes, running the league requires a highly technical website to be built and maintained. Questions for this format are extremely difficult to write and our team of professional setters need paying for their time. Each game has a dedicated host who is paid for these duties plus this league will require numerous hours of man power to organise. The current fees are £165/$220 per team per season.

What do I get for my £165/$220?

Your team will play a full league season of a minimum of 11 matches and usually 12 or 13, each hosted by a professional host with expertly written questions. You also have the opportunity to play this unique format which is just not available anywhere else.

How do I pay?

Once your team has registered you will be sent bank details to complete a transfer. If you are based outside the UK then payment is made via PayPal to the email address info@onlinequizleague.com

Is this league open to anyone across the world?

Yes, this league is run by a team based in the UK but we have both a UK and a US conference and teams can choose which to play in and the league is open to teams from literally anywhere in the world.

What can I win?

In keeping with the tradition of the TV show on which this league is based, the winners of each division will receive a team trophy.

With it being played online, how do you know people aren't cheating?

Cheating is outlawed. All played will be visible on their webcam or phone throughout the quiz and anyone found to be trying to look up answers during the matches will forfeit their match and be permanently ejected from the league.

Are you in any way licenced or affiliated by the TV show Only Connect or the BBC?

No, we have spoken to the production team at Only Connect as well as the lawyers from the BBC who own the copyrights to the TV show Only Connect. They have given us their blessing to run this league provided we don't infringe on any copyrights which we are not doing. But we are not licenced or affiliated to the BBC in any way.

What do I do if I have any questions not covered by this section?

Send us an email at info@onlinequizleague.com and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.