OQL USA Regions - Quizzes - Season 1

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Important notice. From June onwards, the Free Guess rules does NOT apply to matches involving the following top division teams - matches involving these teams should be conducted under the No Free Guess rule (an incorrect response from the player or player's team the question is initially directed to sends the question over to the opposition immediately):

  • Peachtree Pollen
  • Tampa Bay Cigar City Rollers
  • NoVa Supernovae
  • Rochester Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo
  • Cleveland Misnys
  • Ocean State Stuffies
  • Austin Powers
  • Minneapolis Ju(i)cy Lucys
  • St Louis Bread Company
  • Santa Monica Pier Pressure
  • Vancouver Hoary Marmots
  • Denver Blucifers

For ALL OTHER TEAMS the Free Guess rule should be used.

Any issues? WhatsApp group Help Desk: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EDQO1Yo8UZCFwMIZrJEEqk