Individual Championships - About

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Welcome to the page for Live VIII - The Online Quiz League's Individual Championships.

This is a series of eight individual written quizzes taking place at various events up and down the UK and Ireland where players all tackle the same questions at the same time to compete for medals and ranking points across our eight different categories and overall rankings.

Each quiz will feature a different writer and each event will also include fun quizzes to be played in the afternoon, there will usually be a team quiz and a buzzer quiz to be played at each venue (individual venues may vary schedules and events slightly)

Entry fee is just £14 per event. The August event will form part of the OQL British Quiz Weekender.

The full schedule and writers for each event for 2025 is as follows

January 25th - written by Ronny Jackson

February 22nd - written by Lewis Jones and Katy Marchant

March 29th - OQL World Championships - an international set written by a team of writers and to be played all around the world

June 28th - written by Paul Sinha and Oliver Levy

August 2nd - written by Aaron Linge and to form part of the British Quiz Weekender

September 27th - written by Aidan Linge

October 25th - written by Lauren Hamer

December 13th - written by Hugh Bennett

Registration for the January event will open very soon. Watch this space and when we're open for registration you just head on over to the registration page to register. You can see a list of all the locations you can play the quiz at our venues page. If you have any questions prior to registering please email us at . Please contact us by email if you have any concerns about accessibility or if you have any special requirements that you would like us to accommodate for you.