Pop Culture Challenge - About

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The OQL Pop Culture Challenge is an individual quiz competition where all the questions revolve around pop culture. The TV shows we've grown up with, the sports we cheer for every weekend, the music we listen to on spotify, the films we stream, the food and drink we enjoy and much much more. You won't be asked about Kings and Queens or classical music, this is low brow quizzing at it's finest.

The OQL Pop Culture Challenge uses the Mimir quiz format (named after Mímir, a Norse god renowned for his knowledge and wisdom). Matches are played between four players, with their respective positions (in seats 1 to 4) drawn at random. You can read more about how the structure works in Pop Culture Challenge - Rules. Or you can watch a video written by our friends at All Things Quiz, that video can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ISTLVH6_to

Over 300 players participate each season in Pop Culture challenge and due to our unique structure most of your games will be against players of a similar standard to you so you will have lots of close and interesting matches whilst answer questions on your favourite topics.

PCC costs just £35 to play (£25 for first time players. and you will get to play 9 expertly written quizzes for that. All players can read matches for other people to accumulate unlimited OQL credit which can be used for any event within OQL. Read enough and you can quiz for life for free!

PCC is written to meet the abilities of a massive range of quizzers, we have Mastermind champions, Chasers, Eggheads and Brains of Britain playing in PCC but we also have people who just love a good quiz and don't care how they do. You'll find PCC has something for everyone and you could even end up playing against your quizzing heroes.

If you have any questions before signing up just drop us a line at info@onlinequizleague.com and whenever you're read head over to Pop Culture Challenge - Register to register for the upcoming season.

Season 8 of Pop Culture Challenge will shortly open for registration. The competition commences on Monday February 3rd 2025 and runs to the following schedule.

Registration is now closed - however, if you still wish to participate please contact us at info@onlinequizleague.com to see if any final spaces are available.

Week 1 - 3rd - 9th February 2025 - random draw for games but each game will feature 1 seeded player

Week 2 - 10th - 17th February - random draw for games, players will only play against players in their half of the leaderboard

Week 3 - 18th - 24th February - random draw for games, players will only play against players in their half of the leaderboard

Week 4 - 25th February - 2nd March - random draw for games, players will only play against players in their quarter of the leaderboard

Week 5 - 3rd - 9th March - random draw for games, players will only play against players in their quarter of the leaderboard

Week 6 - 10th - 16th March - random draw for games, players will only play against players in their quarter of the leaderboard

Quarter finals - 17th - 23rd March - Players will be in tiers of 16 based on leaderboard positions and will play against 3 random opponents from their tier.

Semi finals/Placement games - 24th - 31st March - Players who finish top 2 in their quarter finals will play semi finals, everyone else will play placement games.

Finals week/Placement games - 1st - 7th April- Players who finish top 2 in their semi finals will play in the tier finals. Everyone else will play placement games.

Anyone who finish top 3 in their tier will win OQL medals which can be posted to anywhere in the world.